Advantages & Disadvantages of Using JobCentre Plus For Recruiting Staff
A comprehensive guide to using the JobCentre Plus for recruiting staff is available.
Advantages of Advertising with the Jobcentre
- Free advertising.
- Ease of use: Once registered as an employer, the system for posting jobs and managing applications is generally straightforward.
- Supports social responsibility: Hiring through the Jobcentre can help long-term unemployed.
Disadvantages of Advertising with the Jobcentre
- Limited for specific roles: The applicants are more suited for blue-collar positions.
- Poor quality of candidates: Employers often find that the quality of candidates from the Jobcentre can be variable. The pool predominantly consists of long-term unemployed people who might only sometimes match the skill level required for certain positions.
- High volume of inappropriate applications: Many unsuitable applications may be received, leading to an increased workload in sorting and screening applicants.
- Applicant apathy: I generally find jobseekers less engaged and reliable. Applicants aren’t as easy to contact and are less inclined to attend interviews or start work. Dealing with this all adds unnecessary time to the process.
- Employee turnover and retention issues: I don’t know if it is a characteristic of the jobseekers or the employers using the Jobcentre; however, I often find a higher staff turnover.
- Lower return on investment: We recruit employees to add value. While exceptions exist, fewer Great Performers are available to add the desired value. Many Poor Performers don’t seem as interested in turning up for work (some exhibit a sense of entitlement), knowing they can be dismissed and go back to claiming benefits.
<span class="purple-callout"><p>A little reminder – I'm available to offer advice and help advertise on the best UK job boards (get your free consultation to find out more).</p><p>For just £199, we can advertise a job on all the UK's best job sites.</p><p>And be sure to read my best-selling book on recruitment as well.</p></span>
Additional Resources
- Recruiting Book; The Secrets of Great Recruitment: How to Recruit Great Employees.
- Downloadable PDF Guide; The Reality of JobCentre Advertising: More Hassle than it's Worth?
- Article; JobCentrePlus for Employers: A Strategic Guide.
- Article; An Overview of JobCentre Advertising For employers.
- Article; Cost to Advertise with the JobCentre Plus - It Isn't Free.

Geoff Newman has dedicated his entire career to recruitment. He has consulted for many well-known international brands, and worked with over 20,000 growing businesses. He has helped fill over 100,000 jobs.
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